FITSPA Guide on the Fintech space in Uganda

Which laws and regulations are relevant to local fintechs?

These depend on the area in which your fintech is operating

The National Payments Systems Regulations, 2021 – Agents and Sandbox, Check Here

The Data Protection and Privacy Act, 2019, Check Here

Anti-Money Laundering Act, Check Here

The Electronic Transactions Act, 2011

Is the Fintech Industry in Uganda regulated?

Yes, it is regulated under the NPS Act 2020 Check Here

Who is the regulator of Fintechs in Uganda?

This depends on your product or service you require a license for.

The regulators include Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB), National Information Technology Authority Uganda (NITA-U), the Bank of Uganda, Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), UMBRA.

Which license can I apply for?

Please follow the links below to find out the categories of licenses which you can apply for.

NPS Compliance Guide

National Payments System Act

How much are the licenses?

The cost of obtaining a license and the details involved are contained in the link below NPS Compliance Guide.

How much are the licenses?

Please look at the elaborate tool kit in the link below for advice on how to expand your Fintech into Uganda
